Even if you try to stay hydrated during the summer, your skin can still become oily. Some people only experience oily skin in the summer, while for others, it worsens during this season. Oily skin is a common problem. The sebaceous glands in our body produce oils that protect our skin. However, this increased oil production can clog the pores on our face and lead to issues like acne. In this article, you can learn what steps you can take to prevent oily skin from worsening in the summer.

Moisturizer for Oily Skin in the Summer
We should adjust the beauty products we use according to the seasonal conditions, such as summer and winter. During times of high humidity, we often don’t need to use moisturizer, but the need for it increases during hot weather. Excessive sweating can cause irritation and dryness on our skin. Therefore, using a light moisturizer is ideal for the summer season as it helps prevent clogged pores. Make sure the moisturizer you choose contains hyaluronic acid. However, experts note that this can vary depending on individual skin types. It is also recommended to apply sunscreen after using a light moisturizer.
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Salicylic or Glycolic Acid in Summer Beauty Care
These acids help prevent clogged pores when our skin produces excess oil. Experts recommend ensuring that salicylic or glycolic acid is present in the beauty care products you use during the summer. These acids are commonly found in cleansers, toners, and serums. Products containing these acids can be used in the morning or at night. If you’re using products with glycolic acid, it’s best to apply them at night. When first using these products, choose those with either of these two acids. Protecting dry skin from irritation and itching during the summer will help maintain its health. Make sure these acids are also included in your sunscreen.
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Creams with Retinoid or Retinol in the Summer

Both retinoids and retinol are rich in vitamin A and are commonly available in pharmacies. They play a significant role in skin health. However, many people hesitate to use beauty products containing these ingredients due to concerns about increased sensitivity to sunlight in the summer. Despite this, they can be used safely during the summer. You can make a habit of using beauty care products containing retinoid or retinol in the evening. Additionally, always apply sunscreen after using any product that contains these ingredients.
Sunscreen for Oily Skin in Summer
During the summer, it’s essential to use a sunscreen lotion that suits the climate. For people with oily skin, it’s better to choose a light sunscreen. Don’t worry about sunscreen clogging your pores—it’s crucial to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. You may have some difficulty choosing the right sunscreen for your skin type, so consider consulting a skin specialist. Gel-based sunscreen lotions are also an excellent option for oily skin.
How to Control Oiliness
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You can control oiliness on your skin by following natural methods. Once a week, grind tomatoes, cucumbers, and oats to make a paste. Apply it to your face, let it sit for 20 minutes, and then wash your face. This will help prevent your skin from producing excess oil and leave your face looking radiant.
Diet for Oily Skin
The foods we eat also play a role in keeping our skin healthy during the hot season. It’s better to avoid foods that are high in protein and instead focus on adding foods rich in fiber. Be sure to drink plenty of water to keep your body and skin hydrated.
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Those with oily skin should adjust their skincare routine during the summer. If oily skin only occurs during the summer months, it’s important to ensure your moisturizers contain ingredients like glycolic acid, salicylic acid, retinol, and hyaluronic acid. Additionally, it’s important to note that pregnant and breastfeeding women should only use beauty products that are recommended by their doctors.