When you go outside, air and environmental pollutants can clog your skin pores. Due to this, the oily substance secreted in the skin called ‘seebam’ remains inside. Germs like bacteria multiply in it and reduce the luster of the skin. Thus ‘steaming therapy’ helps to remove the dirt and pollutants accumulated in the skin pores and increase the health of the skin. Spraying the steam generated by hot water on the skin will open the skin pores. Due to this, the impurities deposited in it can be easily removed. Let’s know more about Face Steaming .
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Face Steaming method
There are three methods of steaming. You can follow the method that suits you.

- First tie the hair tightly with a rubber band. Wash face with mild soap. Take 5 to 6 cups of boiling water in a wide bowl. Sit so that the steam from the water hits your face. Now wrap yourself and the bowl together with a long turkey towel to keep the steam from escaping. Steam it all over your face for 5 to 10 minutes.
- First tie the hair tightly with a rubber band. Wash face with mild soap. Dip a small turkey towel in hot water and wring it out well. Lying in a comfortable position, cover the towel completely over the nose. Do this for up to 5 minutes.
- Steaming can also be done through a tool called ‘Facial Steaming’. It is powered by electricity. The device should be filled with sufficient water and connected to the power supply. Once the appliance is turned on, the water filled inside it starts boiling and steam is generated. It should be applied on the face. This allows you to control the speed of steam as much as your skin can tolerate.

Softens the skin and cleanses the pores. Prevents acne breakouts. Strengthens skin muscles, prolongs youthful appearance and stimulates collagen production. Helps skin absorb skin care products better.
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After steaming, any face mask should be applied for 20 minutes.
It is important to re-close the skin pores filled by steaming. A toner can help with this. If you don’t have it handy, you can wash your face with cold water.
Moisturizer should be applied to the face after steaming. It helps in retaining the moisture of the skin.